Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mike Ioane and Ron Paul

It's me again - Series 3 Mike Ioane's punishment for supporting Ron Paul.Well, you know, the public’s interest, are they not represented by these millions of people who have gotten to their congressman and we have these 277 co-sponsors? Aren’t they part of the public interest? Or is it Goldman Sachs and the big banks that represents the public’s interest. These are all code words that people are supposed to roll over and play dead and say, “Well, we don’t really care. They’re caring about the public’s interest. I guess it’s okay. They’ll take care of us.” But hopefully, we’re changing that attitude.Judge Andrew Napolitano: Now, the Goldman Sachs issue that you pointed out is particularly troublesome, Congressman Paul, for a number of reasons. One, the treasury secretary at the time that AIG was bailed out was Hank Paulson, a former Goldman Sachs chair. Two, he did this in consultation with Lloyd Blankfein then and still the chair of Goldman Sachs. Three, when the Fed bailed out AIG, actually after the Fed bailed out AIG, we found out that AIG… excuse me, the biggest client of AIG was Goldman Sachs and four, when Lehman Brothers was teetering on the brink and the government decided not to bail them out, lo and behold, Lehman Brothers was Goldman Sachs’ biggest competitor. Question, don’t we have something in the Constitution called the Equal Protection Clause and isn’t that supposed to require that the government treats similarly situated people and entities in a similar way and not pick and choose who it’s going to save and who it’s going to let die on the vine?Ron Paul: Well, remember Animal Farm: Everybody is equal, but remember some people are more equal than others. Now, Goldman Sachs happens to be more equal than anybody else. But the big thing is that the American people are catching on. This is not being missed by the American people, so I’m feeling encouraged that it’s getting some attention, but we still have a long way because they are tenacious and the fact that they’re putting Bernanke out on the stump means that they are very concerned. But ultimately, their system fails because it’s based on fraud. It’s based on a monetary system that won’t work. It’s just a matter of, can we put it together enough to get enough people to understand what we have to do to put this back together? We do have the founders’ advice in our Constitution; I tell people that we’ve gotten into this trouble because we didn’t follow Article 1 Section 8, and if we did follow the precise limitations of government power, even now we could use that as the guide to get back [...] and so I’m encouraged that more people are thinking that way, but not here in Washington because I still don’t have them reading the Constitution here yet. Judge Andrew Napolitano: Well, you’re getting there. Two of your colleagues gave me a little bit of hope this week. Congressman Dennis Kucinich was on my radio show, Brian and the Judge, during the course of which he said absolutely wonderful things about you and your understanding of the Federal Reserve and the free market. It was nothing new to me and our listeners, but it was nice to hear it coming from the lips of a liberal Democrat, but he also said he’s convinced HR 1207 will pass the House and eventually pass the Senate. If he’s right, of course, that’s great news. The other interesting thing this week that I saw came from another Democrat, your Congressman Alan Grayson interrogating Chairman Bernanke and getting him to admit that they have loaned huge amounts of money to foreign central banks. He didn’t know how much. He wouldn’t say what banks and he had no idea what those foreign central banks did with the money to which the American Federal Reserve loaned them. Does any of that surprise you? Is the IRS targeting Mike Ioane – How can they attack Mike Ioane?

MIKE IOANE aka Michael Ioane for Vice President

I thought you would like to see the rest of the conversation. Let's call this Series 2. Again do I think the IRS is targeting Mike Ioane. Keep reading. Mike Ioane is so similar to Ron Paul. I wonder.Ron Paul: Well, there are more firsts. First, they hired a lobbyist and I guess she didn’t do too well, so he’s going to be the chief lobbyist and go on PBS and talk about HR 1207. But he may be right, he might not be the one that ushers in another Great Depression, but it will turn out to be the greatest depression ever because I think it’s going to be worldwide. I think it’s going to be a lot worse and I think we’re going to blame him for perpetuating it. We can’t blame him for the crisis that developed last year because that was the previous inflation that Greenspan ushered in.But the perpetuation of this depression-recession that’s going on now and the deepening of it, we can lay at the doorstep of the Federal Reserve and that will be Bernanke.Judge Andrew Napolitano: It will be Bernanke. There may be a new chairman, but if there’s a new chairman, the policies will undoubtedly be the same. You wrote a letter this week, Congressman Paul, which was signed by some of your colleagues from across the ideological and political spectrum in the House of Representatives with your concerns about Goldman Sachs and your concerns about its use of federal dollars to enrich itself free from certain regulation and again, below the radar screen. Could you tell us what’s that’s all about? Ron Paul: Well, we are not to the bottom of things because the Federal Reserve acts independently, which is in secret. They don’t want to reveal and that’s why the auditing bill is so important. But there’s pretty good evidence that he did. I mean, we do know that he did exempt Goldman Sachs from regulations that gave them greater leeway in using government funds and lo and behold, Goldman Sachs is now very profitable again. They survived. Lehman Brothers didn’t. A lot of little people didn’t; a lot of people are losing their houses, so it’s just who gets protection and who gets the pain and the suffering, and it looks like Goldman Sachs and the Fed have been working in collusion and this is targeting one particular incident that is now public knowledge and we’re trying to get him to respond to it. I don’t expect to get a whole lot of response, but I think this is why he’s become tenacious in trying to get the people to come out against it. You know, one thing that they used is they don’t want transparency of what the monetary policy is all about because they have to protect the public’s interest. Is the IRS targeting Mike Ioane - How can they go after anyone they want. All the facts are there - Michael Ioane is innocent.


If you thought that was interesting. What about this. I am really enjoying researching the IRS.What do you think about Mike Ioane and Ron Paul. They say if you are a backer of Ron Paul you are targeted. Mike Ioane contributed to his campaign is he targeted?Now Ron Paul is targeting the Federal Reserve. Judge Andrew Napolitano: Now, to our continuing series in examining the Federal Reserve. Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in an effort to head off Congressman Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Fed, a bill that now has 277 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives alone, and in an effort to make himself appear human and understanding, actually held a 75-minute town hall meeting. This was produced and broadcast by PBS, thus paid for by your tax dollars, and was taped at the Fed’s branch bank in Kansas City. We did not learn anything new, except that Chairman Bernanke is not the expert on the Great Depression that he claims to be.Now I know that he taught at Princeton. Most of you know that I’m a graduate of Princeton. I’m awfully also deeply grateful to my guardian angel that his failure to understand the lessons of history did not rub off on you or on me. Listen to this, he told his public TV listeners that the one thing he most wants is not to preside over a second Great Depression.Ben Bernanke: I was not going to be the Federal Reserve chairman who presided over the second Great Depression. For that reason, I had to hold my nose and stop those firms from failing. I am as disgusted about this as you.Judge Andrew Napolitano: One would think he does not know what he’s talking about. The Great Depression was great, not because of the depth of the unemployment or the magnitude of shareholder or investor loss, it was great because of the duration of the depression. The Fed at the time, the Congress, FDR and a cowed Supreme Court set the country on a course to centralized control of the economy, which brought rationing of goods, artificial interest rates, minimum wages that shut business down, and the confiscation of gold. When they saw how bad they made the bubble burst from the twenties, they manuevered us into a war and that brought on more rationing and the draft. It was not until the guys returned home from the war that a free market was unleashed and the depression ended 16 years after it started. Some people never learn. Today, as you’ll hear soon, the Fed lends money to foreign central banks and doesn’t know or even care what they do with it. Today the Fed wants to regulate every mom-and-pop shop in the land as well as all the banks and any businesses that it thinks might adversely affect liquidity. It wants higher minimum wages, artificial interest rates and no transparency. It wants to end the problem caused by too much borrowing and spending by employing more borrowing and spending. Einstein once said, “Don’t expect the people who caused a problem to solve it.” But that’s what the Fed and its wistful, historically illiterate chairman wants us to do. It’s always my pleasure to introduce one of America’s great defenders of freedom and liberty in Congress and anywhere today, Congressman Ron Paul joins us from our nation’s capital. Congressman Paul, as always, welcome back to Freedom Watch. Ron Paul: Thank you very much, Judge. Good to be here.Judge Andrew Napolitano: Thank you. I guess Chairman Bernanke is feeling the heat. I guess he’s really concerned that HR 1207, which will require a public audit of the Fed might actually become law and in an effort to put on a human face and in an effort to show an understanding of our situation, went on public television for 75 minutes to tell us something we already knew. What do you think? Is the IRS targeting Mike Ioane – How can they attack Mike Ioane?


I am a huge fan of Ron Paul. Mike Ioane should not be punished because the IRS mad a mistake. Fix the problem and leave Michael Ioane alone.
For years the Tax Honesty Community and the Freedom Movement in general have allowed the government to pick and choose the cases, waiting for the next prosecution or suit for another gag order and then assuming a purely defensive position. No one ever gains ground by defending, which only permits the question of "How much is lost?" That needs to change.
Truth Attack is ready to go on the offensive. It's time we choose the cases, carefully selecting winnable suits presenting optimum facts and well-supported and properly prosecuted legal positions. Truth Attack is ready to make new law, rein in the IRS and confront the courts with the law for once.
The first cases we file taking them to task for violating the law have to be perfect test cases in order to build a "favorable body of case law" against the IRS. If there is any way out, any crack or chink, no matter how small, the beast will slither through it and escape, setting an adverse precedent for them to use in later filings. Jumping into litigation without carefully selecting cases, without mapping the case out properly to prevent escape, is a mistake that has plagued the movement for years
The IRS's issuance of "single and zero lock-in letters" to employers instructing them to ignore W-4's submitted by employees claiming exempt status has been a favorite weapon of the beast to punish those who stand up for the truth. The only problem is that those letters are against the law and even violate the IRS's own rules and regulations. Someone needs to call them on this criminal bluff.
We are looking for a case that presents the following conditions:
· Victim of "single and zero lock-in letter" within the last two years
· No outstanding assessments, liens or levies (no exposure to retaliation)
· No previous years without filing tax returns (no exposure to retaliation)
· Married with children (one spouse is enough, but the more children the better)
· Prior returns place IRS on notice of marital status and number of dependents
· Financially willing and able (or having supporters willing and able) to pay out of pocket expenses and at least some portion of legal fees (attorneys have to survive in order to fight)
Withholding is the heart of the income tax fraud because it allows the government to kidnap and hold wages and earnings hostage, forcing us to either abandon the hostages or waive our exemptions by filing tax returns. Truth Attack knows attorneys who are anxious to challenge that practice, which is based upon pure bluff and blow.
We are looking for cases that present the following conditions:
· Employer willing to be sued by his employee
· Employee willing to sue his employer
· In Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington or Wyoming
· Both "current" on tax filings, including 940's, 941's and 1040's (no exposure to retaliation)
· No outstanding assessments, liens or levies (no exposure to retaliation)
· Financially willing and able (or having supporters willing and able) to pay out of pocket expenses and at least some portion of legal fees (attorneys have to survive in order to fight)
No collection action can be undertaken by the IRS unless and until an "assessment" has been filed with the Treasurer and notice of that assessment and demand for payment has been made to the "taxpayer". But millions of people are being subjected to liens and levies by the IRS although there has been no actual "assessment" issued or filed in many years.
Amazing! The IRS is violating the law? Imagine that!!
To make matters worse, IRS agents regularly sign off on a "Certificate of Assessment", certifying that an assessment has been made and filed, perjuring themselves, and the courts just as regularly say that lying about it is good enough for them. But it isn't good enough for us and if memory serves, we're the bosses, aren't we?
Refining conditions for this project is still in progress—watch for it!
The IRS usually "softens up" a target by spreading rumors and damaging information under the pretense of "investigation". Agents will often dig into a personal file on one person looking for leverage to get them to do something against someone else. Sometimes those disclosures and inspections are not only unethical, sometimes they are criminal and give rise to a law suit. We need to build a "body of favorable case law" by selecting the cleanest plaintiffs and most egregious violations we can find.
Refining conditions for this project is still in progress—watch for it!
Every day the IRS is issuing "demands" that are treated by banks and employers as "orders". Orders require obedience, but demands are just a blunt form of request. Truth Attack thinks it's time that employers and banks learn the difference.
In order to set up the ideal test case(s) it will be necessary to be in control and develop the case in advance of the event, so past "levies" are not yet candidates for this project. There is no real recourse against the IRS in these instances because it can always raise the fact that they did not force the employer or bank, but merely sent them a demand. The employer or bank is the culprit. (Right!)
That is powerful stuff. Mike Ioane should check into truth attach. What is the IRS so corrupt. I though Obama was going to be a good President. I’m thinking Ron Paul for President and Mike Ioane for Vice President.