Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What is not being reported!!

What is not being reported...

1-  Michael Ioane was arrested and indicted for one thing but tried for another.
- Is that legal? I think not.

2- His right to a speedy trial was denied several times.
- What took them 3 years to do come up with bogus testimonies perhaps?

3- Out of everyone who worked with Dr. Steven Booth attorneys, accountants and title companies only Michael Ioane is being harassed.

4- Michael Ioane was only accused of helping Dr. Steve Booth after he filed a motion for wrongful lien which was placed on properties belonging to a trust.
"In 2007 an IRS Nominee Lean was placed on 3 of Michael Ioane’s properties by the Internal Revenue Service, claiming that Michael Ioane was somehow a nominee for Steven Booth. Then Michael Ioane sued the IRS for 2 Million and Quite Title. In retaliation the IRS asked the federal court to stay the proceedings while they conducted  a criminal investigation and prosecution against Michael Ioane.
Attached is the Quite Title Judgment already granted to Michael Ioane prior to the allegations of Criminal actions" read the quite-title
Attached is also documentation stating that Micheal Ioane was never a Nominee for Steven Booth. Read Declaration

What is the IRS trying to cover?


Whisperindave said...

Malfeasance, corruption, criminal breaking and entering, witness tampering/threatening, theft, blackmail, slander and libel, extortion, collusion to commit crimes or to tamper with evidence...These are some of the things that we usually think of when we think of the Mafia, drug cartels, or other criminal conspiracies. Yet these are actually crimes being committed under the present Obama Administration by the IRS and Federal and Local judges, lawyers and false witnesses in collusion with the IRS. These are people who are sworn before God, (usually with one hand on the Bible), and before witnesses, to never go against, and to always uphold the laws that govern the United States of America and its Constitution. Hypocritically they lie under oath and actually set about to undermine those laws and in many cases destroy the careers and lives of innocent people. Why are they doing this? Simply for two reasons: One is to protect their jobs, because if they are found out, their careers are ruined. Secondly; for pure ascent to power. They will do anything to take and maintain control and power over people they assume they are superior to. In the end these government officials are often paid by your tax dollars! So they are burdening the tax payers by siphoning off needed funds for schools, roads, education, Medicare and social security, so they can line their own pockets and leech off the government until they retire.

This is happening in many communities throughout the United States. However our story unfolds in the 9th District of the State of California, where one man named Michael Iaone, is involved in three separate civil cases involving local judges, a doctor, and the IRS who have all joined in one collusive effort to destroy him. This is a man who was and remains a pillar of his local community. Mike Iaone is a well-liked and respected realty specialist, asset protection specialist and entrepreneur, a long-time resident of Bakersfield, California, who sits on the city planning commission, is fighting for his dignity and his life against unprecedented odds. He has sued and fought the IRS on several occasions and has won his cases. However the IRS believes they are above the law and rather than following procedures and mandates that are regulatory for their office, they have stepped outside the bounds of the law altogether, manipulating evidence and witnesses with threats, intimidation and “plea bargain” deals, in order to railroad one man. Why? To put it frankly, agents of the IRS failed to do their jobs and now they are trying to destroy someone in an effort to save their sorry behinds!

To save their jobs they have used several tactics, including not only skirting the laws of the state of California and the United States, but even abusing and breaking those laws. While filling up the court’s dockets. They do this by bringing spurious suits, sending out continual and unjustified lien notices, and repeated attempts to have their case heard in several courtrooms at once as they bring multiple actions for the same suit! They create pandemonium and confusion using our tax dollars to inundate the system with useless paper in a system already clogged to overflowing with spurious cases. Meanwhile they have threatened various witnesses, and made them perjure themselves in public court even causing one, Dr. Stephen Booth to change his entire documented testimony! This is patently illegal. On the line? Two million dollars that the IRS decided it wanted from Booth, which after making Booth perjure himself and retract testimonies, they now want out of the man they have concluded will become their fall-guy, their “patsy.”

End Part 1

First published at: http://michaelsioane.wordpress.com/

Whisperindave said...

Begin Part 2

However Michael Iaone will not go gently into the good night, and continues to fight and win against all odds. He fights against corrupt judges like Lawrence O’Neil, who go against their own rulings and failed policies. In Federal Court, judge O’Neil was extremely harsh and abusive against this particular man. The judge in the current civil cases, Anthony Ishii has been a bit more fair. However almost all judges will rule for the Federal govt. or IRS against a defendant in order to garner more power and authority. The Federal govt. uses politicians just like the mob does, to influence court decisions in their favor.
Garnering favor from the US government for a “job well done” is tantamount to taking a bribe.

Meanwhile, Judge O’Neil, who should not be in the position he holds, does not even read the law or file his own opinions when he makes judgments, but like some slacker school kid trying to BS a high school teacher, he simply looks at other lawmaker’s opinions and reports and cribs them for his own! With this technique he was able to go from being a local magistrate judge who signed a wrongful search warrant against Mr. Iaone (and O’Neil admitted to it!), to a district judge in record time. As a district judge he further complicated the case by refusing to look into his own wrongful warrant case. Then he sat in judgment on the very Federal case he should have recused himself from condemning Mike Iaone to false imprisonment! Ladder climbing Judges like this are easy prey for the manipulations of the IRS agency. They can force a judge to not look at a case for years, or to postpone a case indefinitely, or seal documents and records so the IRS can build a case they hadn’t taken time to correctly make in the first place. They use the law, lawyers and judges with the same dexterity the Mob uses such tools, until the confusion and chaos is so intense a gavel goes down, and the man we are speaking of is falsely imprisoned!

False search warrants, false arrests, false imprisonments. Has the US Government finally become the Fascist Monster we fought so hard to defeat in WWII? Have we the taxpayers and free citizens of the USA to go about in fear because we don’t want to pay the taxes some other person owes? Are we, as Michael Iaone was almost forced to do, to just pay up whatever trumped up bill the IRS or the Federal govt. decides we owe, just to have some peace of mind? Mr. Iaone about could have done that, but instead he chose to fight. For that the govt. determined to ruin his life. What will the Obama Administration do next; declare people they say owe taxes to be “terrorists” and ship them off to Guantanamo? They will if we do not fight them. One man is fighting them, trying valiantly to get the spurious cases dismissed, trying to show that the Federal Government is not above the law and forcing them to abide by simple rules like respecting “Quiet Title” laws. All the rules and laws which judges, lawyers and agents of the govt. are supposed to abide by, just as any citizen is asked to do. All that needs to be done in this case is for the IRS to realize it is an extension of the Law, not the final arbiter of the Law. If they make a mistake, so be it. However when they seek to attack the innocent and promote the guilty it is time to make a stand.

I will be writing more about this case in future articles.

End Part 2

Anonymous said...

I have been researching this on-going case for a few weeks now. So, what is the basic story here? How did such simple cases of local real estate laws like transfers to trusts, motions for dismissals, motions for decisions, and oppositions to same, and a Quiet Title suit become such a tangled and deadly web for Mike Iaone? Why are these simple cases dragging on now for over six long years? Why won’t Judge Anthony Ishii commit to a ruling on these cases? Is it because the IRS stands not only to lose face, but is in collusion with the courts in Fresno, CA to circumvent the laws of California? Are they trying to strangle the laws of the land in a web of illegal seizures and imprisonments where the Federal government supersedes the rights of the citizens of the states? Are they making misusing state and local laws in order to: “make examples” of people whom they feel are a threat because they understand and use the state laws to their own benefit and for their own protection? Are we headed for some sort of Totalitarian State under the Obama administration where all property belongs to the government regardless of the State and Federal Constitution and its protections? Are our rights being abridged in what was once “The Land of the Free?” I believe this to be the truth. And it all started at a trust seminar in 1995.

According to the initial sworn testimony of Dr. and Mrs. Booth, residents of Bakersfield, where Dr. Booth practiced as a chiropractor, they attended a seminar in 1995 with the “National Trust Service.” * At the seminar they were taught, as many people have been, how to set up trusts and corporations to protect their valuable assets from possible future legal actions. “Asset protection” is a patently legal and well-used device. Most wealthy Americans use these protections all the time. There is nothing either “shady” or “fraudulent” about trying to keep our property away from the taxman or any other bill collector. Mitt Romney and Dick Cheney have several protections like these, including off-shore accounts and corporate trusts. No one bothers them about it. Various states have rules about trusts and corporations for the purpose of asset protection. Some states are strict, others more lenient. This is called States Rights. And so far, the Federal government has respected these rights. That is, they have not come to the conclusion or set any legal precedent that a corporation based in Michigan is "real" while one based in Nevada is a "sham." Concurrently real estate laws also vary between states, and the Federal govt. must abide by the laws of the state they are dealing with when attempting to collect taxes. In this case though the IRS decided to abuse the laws of California, rather than respect them.

At the Trust Building seminar, the Booths learned about asset protection and succeeded in creating three trusts. The Alpha Omega Trust, the Aligned Enterprise Trust and the Agape Charitable Trust. This was all done in 1995. So how was Mike Iaone involved at this point? He wasn't involved. They did not even meet Michael Iaone for another three years in 1998-99.* As far as I can determine the Booths had no trouble with the govt. at the time they set up their trusts. The Booths filed their tax returns and paid their taxes during this period. They set up the trusts in order to pass their properties on to their children, who were the beneficiaries. These trusts were and are legal and aboveboard, as the IRS well knows.

In my next article, I will further untangle these devious threads and attempt to get to the bottom of this case.

Whisperindave said...

I have posted about 28 legal documents on Scribd.com pertaining to the various Michael Iaone Real Estate and IRS cases still extent in the 9th District court of California. These docs tell it all as pertains to these on-going cases. Feel free to use them in your investigations




Whisperindave said...

Thanks for posting this information, Mr. Horne. Very enlightening to say the least! Keep digging!

Anonymous said...

You can see all my posts at: tomhorne1900.webpress.com, Dave. I used some of your court documents as links in my investigations! Thanks pard!

Anonymous said...

Here's more on the Mike Iaone case.

Deadly Web: First Strands Part 2

Since the Booths had succeeded in transferring three of their Bakersfield properties to their legal trusts,* they no longer owned or had any authority over these properties. In 1996 through 1997 (still a full year or more before they even met Mike Iaone), they put in quit claim deeds for their various properties, which meant they had no further interest in them. They then turned the trusts over to friends, Lorne McCan and Tomas Rio. The trust managers later sold the properties to the Bakersfield Properties and Trust co. , which eventually sold the properties to Acacia Corporate Management LLC in 2005-07 for good consideration...this a full 9 to 11 years after Booth formed his family trusts.

In October of 2000-2001, a full five years after the initial creation of their family and charitable trusts, Dr. Stephen Booth and his wife were accused by the IRS of owing 2.3 million dollars in back taxes. The IRS began to send them letters of intent to levy. Then they tried to put liens on the real properties which they thought the Booths owned. The IRS particularly wanted the three properties once owned by the Booths which had been placed in trust. The IRS could not simply seize these properties for back taxes. However they knew the Booths did not have 2.3 million dollars in assets. As the Booths did various deals with the IRS, the liens and levies would be removed. Then they would be applied again. Then removed again.* It became a typical IRS log-jam. So in 2007 the Booths' lawyers finally asked the 9th District court, to dismiss the IRS case.* The IRS opposed this motion to dismiss in the strongest terms possible,* because they knew that they would lose their case and any claim to the properties if the judge dismissed their case in District court. After this, sets of demands to dismiss and oppositions to those dismissals flew fast and furious between the Booths, their lawyers and the IRS. Yet the presiding judge for the 9th district, Anthony Ishii, would not make any decision for or against the IRS or the Booths. All these cases are still pending any sort of judicial review.

The IRS was attempting to claim the real properties belonged to the Booths. No liens were ever filed against the trusts themselves, only against the Booth’s properties. Then the IRS began claiming that the Booths owed them significant monies and that their so-called trusts were all shams, created with the intent to “hide assets.” (Something the IRS claims in nearly every audit.) In 2007 Acacia, the rightful owner of the Bakersfield properties had to sue the IRS in a Quiet Title suit because the IRS put a lien against Acacia’s property claiming that Acacia was alter ego of Dr. Booth.

This is the nuttiest thing I’ve ever heard of. The IRS was trying to say that the Booths put their property in trust, because they fully intended, with Mike Iaone’s collusion (which they could only get years later, by chance) to commit a fraud against the government...in the future! This is a case of the most utter nonsense I have ever heard.

Let’s see if we can untangle this web further in my next article.

Whisperindave said...

Well, I have not heard from either Tom Horne or Michael Ioane in a month! At last I heard Mike was set to have a hearing where the Fed was claiming he had broken the rules of his House Arrest and could be re-incarcerated! Then, nothing! Anyone know ANYTHING? let me know at whisperindave@msn.com. Thanks. My letter to the Attorney General was taken very seriously. They wanted me to contact the FBI. Now I am in the dark about what happened to Mike, his family and this case.

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